Be prepared for the school year with these easy tips for braces!
- Pack A Compact Mirror: can’t make it to the bathroom? Having a mirror handy will help you ensure that nothing is stuck in your teeth or braces.
- Chapstick/Lip Balm: fight chapped lips this fall by always having your lips moisturized and protected from the elements such as cold and wind.
- Extra Rubber Bands: if you are one of the many people that need to wear rubber bands on your braces, make sure you’re always prepared with extras in case one breaks or falls off.
- Avoid Difficult Foods: Foods can be tricky with braces. Try to avoid things such as nuts, seeds, super sticky candies or stringy foods. Any of these can either get stuck in your braces or run the risk of breaking them and it can be difficult to remove these foods from your braces.
- Pack a Portable Toothbrush/Floss Kit: having a small toothbrush & toothpaste with floss can be a life saver in between meals. It’s important to brush after eating to prevent food being stuck in your braces and to prevent tooth decay.